What I Think Of Teaching


                                                        My Teaching Philosophy


Teaching is the process of providing education to the students by transforming knowledge in a simple way to make it accessible to every student to build their skills and learning ladder to meet their educational and social needs in life.

My teaching philosophy consists of many beliefs more than sharing lessons and concepts its about inspiring students and be aware of their needs, feelings, caring, experiences, developing minds and talents because we are not generating photocopied students, we are shaping a new better generation.

Effective teaching depends on both of the teachers and the students. It is important for the teacher to have a good knowledge of the subject, prepared and organized, know students learning styles and backgrounds to construct a lesson but the more important than that is the teacher's behavior, where it should be active, patient, warmth, clearness,politeness and respectful which engage students and make them feel comfortable to come up with an active learning environment promoting and improving students academic performance.On the other hand the students should be committed with their duties in class and at home to keep on a parallel way with the teacher and other classmates.

One of the successful keys of teaching is to show students that learning these topics and skills at school are related to their real life, how to apply it practically to experience their learning's and boost their confidence by motivating them to take risks and try everything around them.

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